We will help
your well-being return.
A BETTER PLACE is a Nonprofit Organization caring for those with PTSD, Epilepsy, Dementia, Parkinson’s, and childhood onset Autism in a Natural Holistic approach
Get In Touch
530 Mayfield Road Pulaski, TN 38478
Caring for the
Sick & Afflicted
To provide alternatives to Health and Wellness to those conventional Medicine has Failed.
How We Help
A Better Place will care for individuals with PTSD, Epilepsy, Dementia, Parkinson’s and children with childhood onset Autism. Their care will be Holistic in practice and will be carried out utilizing Organic vegetables, fruits, berries and medicinal plants and herbs
How We Nurture
Those that come to A BETTER PLACE will reside on the property for a short term or long term. Short term being one to two weeks, long term being two to three months. They will stay in small quaint round houses that will be constructed to withstand the elements of nature. We will attempt to prevent any and all stressful situations as stress is detrimental to our well-being.
How We Grow
A Better Place will grow on its property, Organically, the vegetables, fruits, berries and medicinal plants and herbs it will use to feed and care for those that come to us. A Registered Dietician will assure that balanced nutritional meals will be served. The Registered Dietician will access the needs and determine if food allergies are a concern with each individual that comes to A Better Place.
When your PLACE is as important as my PLACE then will our PLACE be a better PLACE.
In the name of the organization, A BETTER PLACE, “PLACE” is an acronym for Peaceful, Loving and Complete Existence
Those that come will have the opportunity, if physically capable, to participate in light duty involvement of caring for the garden, orchards, plants and property. This will be for one to three hours a day. We want to establish a new beginning in our friends lives and will approach this in a manner that will bring about daily successful accomplishments that will initiate self esteem for those that have lost it.
Our friends will have a gym and exercise area that they will, on a daily basis, incorporate into their lifestyle. They will have walking trails throughout the forest to enjoy, with gazebos along the way, to sit, rest and commune with nature. There will be a small lake for our friends to visit, with gazebos, for them to sit and enjoy and ponder on the important things in their lives. There will be electric golf carts, driven by staff, to facilitate in getting our friends to the areas they need to be.
We're All In-Progress
We are in the initial stages of bringing A Better Place into existence. We are aware of the tremendous need for an organization like this to care for the sick and afflicted. We will, in the beginning, have to work with those that come to us on a first come basis until additional property will be acquired. We will have twelve small residences that will house six short term and six long term. We want to care fully for each that come to us so we do not want to be overcrowded thus diminishing the approach and goal of A Better Place. That being the restoration of Health, Physical and Mental well-being.
A Better Place will present a peaceful, loving and complete existence to and for those we will care for. We will strive to bring balance to the overall well-being of those we care for. It is our commitment to return Meaning, Purpose, Health and Happiness to those that have lost it, that the world might be a better place, as all mankind deserves.
A BETTER PLACE IS A 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Donations and Gifts are tax deductible.
Take a next step towards your holistic renewal.